Crate Washing Machine

Does your business go through a large number of crates every single day? Are you looking for an effective way to clean those crates? If so, look no further than the Crate Washing Machine from Unikon. This machinery is designed to take the stress out of sanitising crates, and can have sections added or removed in order to cater for the amount of crates that your plant might go through. If you’re looking to further mechanise the sanitation process, think Unikon.

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  string(11) "Enquire Now"
  string(0) ""
			array(2) {
  string(17) "Download Brochure"
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			array(2) {
  string(10) "Watch Demo"
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Crate Washing Machine

  • Compact size, making it perfect for any plant
  • Clip nozzles are easy to clean and adjust
  • Allows for low maintenance costs
  • Spare parts are easily available worldwide

