FRP Sheet – For hygienic and durable protection of walls

Looking for a hygienic way to protect your walls? If you are, look no further than the FRP Sheet designed and developed by the team at B-Hygienic. Made from hgih-quality polyester, the FRP Sheet is made to protect your walls, and can serve as the base for a range of other B-Hygienic products, such as HygiCeil, HygiGyps and HygiWall. If you’re looking to revolutionise your building and bring your walls some much needed protection, think B-Hygienic.

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  string(17) "Download Brochure"
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FRP Sheet – For hygienic and durable protection of walls

  • Available with a smooth of embossed surface
  • Can be cut to suit your needs
  • Available as standard in white, but can be custom-coloured
  • Can withstand temperatures of up to 60°C


