Robotic Cake Decorating

Looking to quickly add a bit of flair to your product? If you are, look no further than Cake Sculptor, the robotic cake decorating technology from the team at ABI LTD. Cake Sculptor is designed to be easy to use, and can incorporate any design that you can imagine. If you’re looking to revolutionise cake decorating in your plant, then the Cake Sculptor technology is for you.

			array(2) {
  string(11) "Enquire Now"
  string(0) ""
			array(2) {
  string(17) "Download Brochure"
  string(0) ""
			array(2) {
  string(10) "Watch Demo"
  string(0) ""

Robotic Cake Decorating (Cake Sculptor)

  • App integration allows for freehand and imported designs
  • No programming skills are required
  • Designed to be easy to use
  • Able to handle countless designs

