OP20RB Natural Low Care Kerbs

Need an efficient and easy to install way to protect your walls? If you are, look no further than the OP20RB Natural kerb designed and developed by the team at PolySto. The OP20RB kerb can be easily attached to a wall using the waterproof PolySto Hard Fix adhesive, to provide your high traffic areas with physical protection, hygienic protection and protection against water infiltration.

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  string(11) "Enquire Now"
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			array(2) {
  string(17) "Download Brochure"
  string(83) "https://jbandbrothers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/PolySto-OP20RB-Kerb-Natural-ENG.pdf"
			array(2) {
  string(10) "Watch Demo"
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OP20RB Natural

  • Comes with rebate for floor connection
  • Designed to provide protection against water infiltration
  • Designed to be easy to install
  • Bonds to your wall and floor with waterproof PolySto Hard Fix Glue

